Our second part of our trip we took Stockton to Disneyland. We know he is too young to remember any of it, but we will. We had so much fun sharing it with all the family and his cousins.
First stop was Club 33 for lunch in Disneyland.
Darren and I enjoying Club 33. Don't worry Stockton is asleep in his stroller.This is my first ride of the day. This is where my side ponytail had to comedown. :)
My first time on teacups. My mom never let me go on this ride. I think its cuz she hated this ride?
Reasons why a girl would be fun! Cinderella and Jane. This was actually funny, she ran in front of the line and gave Cinderella the biggest hug. It was awesome!
Stockton did this when Jane met Cinderella! haha!
we made Stockton meet the Princesses. He hated it of course!
Haha! He really hated the Princesses!
Darren doing his share of Kid rides! We both loved going with kids and can't wait to take Stockton when he is older.
Stock slept through the loud Mickeys Playhouse Show!
After we fed him, Darren trying to amuse Stock.
Does he look amused?
Can't leave Disneyland without a treat! MMMMMmmmMMMMmmm
Ganjaran Puasa Enam
6 years ago
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