Stockton Rees Tintle FINALLY made his appearance on June 9Th 2011. He weighed 7lbs 13 oz and 20 1/2 inches long. Perfect in every way.
On June 8Th they decided to start the induction process, which inquires 12 hours of cervidal to ripen your cervix and then pitocin to start dilation. I arrived at the hospital at 4:30p.m. but didn't start the cervidal at 8:30p.m. at 4:30 a.m. I woke up and felt some pain and like I peed my pants. It was official I was in labor.
The next few hours were a blur. Around ten I was dilated to a 2 1/2 and I was begging for an Epidural. When the Anesthesiologist finally came around 2 hours later I was just about a 6 and was in excruciating pain. Darren said he wished he had his video camera going, because I said so many "one liners." I never said so many swear words in my life. At one point I told Darren, "I love you, but I just want to hit you!" After the Epidural, Labor was a different story.
When I got my Epidural, I absolutely loved my Labor. (still wondering how people handle labor without meds) I was joking with everyone. I had a huge smile. I loved my epidural.
The one downside to my epidural, but still would do it in a heartbeat, was my labor started slowing down. They ended up giving me Pitocin to speed up the Labor a bit.
12 hours later, with 1 1/2 hours of pushing, Stockton was born. He is Darren and I's life and joy right now. He couldn't be a more perfect baby. He latches on great and sleeps like a champ. Mommy and Daddy are proud.
One thing I wanted to add about this small hospital we went to, was it was amazing. We had so much attention with Stock. We got all the help we needed to learn to breast feed and take care of him. Nurses there were AMAZING. I felt so loved there and learned so much for a first time mom. LOVED THEM!
Darren and I are getting adjusted to parenthood and enjoying our naps even more now. We love Stock and want to show him off. So here are lots of Pictures!The day I went in to get induced. 6/8/11
Stockton right after birth.
For those who wouldn't believe it. Darren giving his FIRST diaper change, and he has still changed more then me!Darren was attached from the minute he laid his eyes on him. I couldn't pry him away.
Darren giving me a break from baby, so I could sleep.
He was ready to go home. Pacifier and all! Boy does this boy love paci's
Loving on that Paci.
Love this pic and love him!
Ganjaran Puasa Enam
6 years ago