I thought I should update everyone on my pregnancy. I am 35 weeks and a half. I am getting excited and nervous the baby is coming. This pregnancy has been pretty good, so far. I am starting to get really achy and tired. Oh, let's not comment how my back is doing!
Darren and I have been going to Birthing Classes, which we love. We have learned so much. Sometimes I leave a little intimadated by the birth experience, but there is no easy way out of it now!
Last week was the start of my NST. I am going to have atleast one a week until the baby is born. So far we have learned I am contracting every 2 to 3 minutes, but they aren't too worried yet, because last time they checked me I wasn't dialated yet. They keep telling me to drink more water, but I am not sure how much water I can drink! Our other project that we basically finished, except for a few odds and ends, is our nursery. Darren painted it a cloud blue and I love it! Above my crib is a vinyl saying that my SIL Denise had made for me. It is probably the most thoughtful gift anyone has given me. Especially knowing all we have gone through to get this baby.
Here is the other side of the room. My other SIL Hayley made the picture. It says "I am a child of God"
This is our changing table. It took us forever to find the right changing table, but we finally did. We do have pictures above it, BUT one of the pictures is the letter of his name. We have to keep atleast ONE suprise. Oh and Darren insisted on getting a cool rug. Here you can see a little bit of the rug. All in all we LOVE our nursery! We both have spent a lot of time coming up with the right pieces for it. Now all we are missing is our little boy!